
6–9 April 2013, France, Nice – 21st European Congress of Psychiatry


The 21st European Congress of Psychiatry marks the 30th anniversary of the founding of Europe’s largest international association of psychiatrists – the European Psychiatric Association. For thirty years EPA’s spirit of leadership has long been recognized for delivering the latest developments in the diagnosis, research and treatments in psychiatry and neuropsychiatry. The 2013 Congress will bring psychiatrists and other discipline-related professionals together to address the complex theme of ‘Europe challenges the burden of mental disorders’. The programme will tackle research and clinical/therapeutical aspects in distinct tracks. In addition the meeting will again feature the highly successful EPA early-career psychiatrists programme.

Venue: Nice – Acropolis, 1 Esplanade Kennedy, Nice, Cedex 4

Contact Information
Web: www2.kenes.com

Материал подготовила +Екатерина Свириденко
